So how does bokeh occur and what governs the blurriness of the bokeh? What is good/bad bokeh? For that, it's time to review your high school optics.
WARNING: Lots of ray diagrams ahead. Skip to "Bluriness and Depth of Field" if needed.
Effect of Focal length
The longer the focal length, the more blurry out-of-focus (OOF) objects become (given that the other two factors are kept the same).

Effect of Aperture
The larger the aperture, the more OOF objects become.

Effects of Object Distance
This is perhaps the most puzzling part of OOF objects. Intuitive enough is the fact that the greater the seperation between the object and the background the more blurry the background. What is puzzling is that given the same distance between the subject and the background, the background is more blurred if the subject is closer to the lens.

The first point that the further away the object the more blurred it becomes can be seen by comparing the spread of the green and blue rays at the plane of the red image. The spread of the further away object (blue) is much greater than the closer object (green). Intuitive. The further away from the point that the lens is focused at (i.e. the red object), the more defocused you are.
The second part that even if the objects are separated equally, the closer pair will yield a more blurred background can be illustrated by comparing d1 and d2. If we focus the lens on the green object, the spread of the blue rays in the image is d1. When we focus on the red object instead, the spread of the green rays is d2 which is larger than d1. This means that although the distance between red and green and green and blue are the same, because red and green are closer to the lens, green is more blurred. If we think of it in another way, this too becomes intuitive. Consider two people one 3m in front of the other. If you were 1 meter away, they would be 1 and 4m away from you, a 400% difference. If you were 1km away, they would be 1000 and 1004m away, which is just a 0.4% difference. Now it is intuitive that two objects differing by 0.4% yield similar images while objects differing by 400% should give vastly different images.
Bluriness and Depth of Field
In an ideal world with film of infinite resolution where we can view images with infinite magnification, the plane of sharp focus has no thickness and only objects at a specific distance, e.g. 3m and not 3.0000001m, will be in focus. In this world however, we do not view images with infinite magnificantion, even if we did, we would hit the resolution limit of the film/sensor where slightly out of focus and sharply focused images cannot be distinguished. Depth of field (DOF) is simply how much bluriness can "fly under the radar". If we cannot percieve it as blurred, it is sharp.
A large DOF means that the transition from sharp to perceptible bluriness is over a large object distance. Most, if not all, parts of the image are perceived as sharp. A shallow DOF is the opposite, the transition from sharp to blurred occurs over a short distance, only objects close to the plane of sharp focus are perceived as sharp.
The trick to shallow DOF? Use a long lens, use a larger aperture, get close to the subject and choose a background that is far away.